
Service Factors in Motors

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Electric Motor and Pump Selection

Understanding Service Factor

The service factor of an electric motor indicates its ability to handle temporary overload conditions without damage. It's expressed as a multiplier, and you can calculate the allowable overload horsepower using the following formula:

\[ \text{Allowable Overload HP} = \text{Rated HP} \times \text{Service Factor} \]

Determining Brake Horsepower (BHP) for Pump Selection

Brake horsepower (BHP) for pump selection is calculated using the formula:

\[ BHP = \frac{{Q \times H}}{{3,960 \times \eta}} \]


  • \( Q \) = Flow rate (in gallons per minute, GPM)
  • \( H \) = Total head or pressure (in feet)
  • \( \eta \) = Pump efficiency (expressed as a decimal)

To determine the required motor size using the service factor, you can use the following formula:

\[ \text{Required Motor Size (HP)} = \frac{{BHP}}{{\text{Service Factor}}} \]

For example, if the calculated BHP for a pump is 10 HP and the motor's service factor is 1.15:

\[ \text{Required Motor Size (HP)} = \frac{{10\ HP}}{{1.15}} \approx 8.70\ HP \]

You would need a motor with a rated capacity of at least 8.70 HP, rounded up for practical purposes.

Real World Examples: T Series Regenerative Turbine Pumps

For this example, we are using a T31 Series pump. However, this selection method is applicable to all regenerative turbine pumps.

CAUTION: The service factor, often interchangeably termed "Safety Factor," should only be applied if the application necessitates a motor with different specifications that wouldn't have the same service factor. Numerous OEM applications employ service factors due to pre-established parameters and physical size restrictions.

A T31G pump is chosen to operate at 200 feet, yielding 4 gallons per minute. The brake horsepower at this head capacity is calculated at 0.6 BHP.

T31 Service Factor Example

  1. Scenario 1:
    • With a 1.0 service factor motor, a 3/4 HP motor would be necessary to meet the marked Head-Capacity.

  2. Scenario 2:
    • A 1/3 horsepower motor boasting a 1.75 service factor is evaluated. Using the service factor, the maximum brake horsepower before the motor overamps is pegged at 0.58 horsepower. However, the T31G with a 1/3 HP motor would overamp at 200 feet of pressure, producing approximately 4 GPM.

  3. Scenario 3:
    • A 1/2 horsepower motor equipped with a 1.60 service factor is examined. By leveraging the service factor, the maximum brake horsepower before the motor overamps is capped at 0.8 horsepower.

Real World Examples: C Series Centrifugal Pumps

The MTH C Series centrifugal pumps are engineered to function from shutoff to runout without overamping the custom motor specifically employed in this pump series. When selecting a C Series pump mounted on a bearing pedestal or 56C Face adapter, motor selection necessitates adherence to a 1.0 service factor, often resulting in a larger motor than the standard close-coupled configuration.

C Series Service Factor Selection

In a specific case, let's take a C41CD configured with a standard 80/42 FrameĀ D3 (Dual Faced) Style Motors 1/2 HP motor boasting a 1.6 service factor.

However, if the C41CD pump were mounted to a bearing pedestal or 56C face adapter, utilizing a 1.0 service factor motor, the maximum flow would be constrained unless opting for a 3/4 HP motor.

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Regenerative Turbine Pump Principles

General Sizing Procedure